Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Stuck!!! Really

Well, we followed the weather all day. A really nasty cold front was passing slowly across our entire route of flight, accompanied by thunderstorms, low ceilings, hail and rotation. By the time it started to clear out, the winds came around in back of the front to headwinds from the North. Furthermore, the margin of time to arrive at the next stop before official sunset became very tight. So we decided to stay in Goodland for another night. Mary, Barb, Ethel and Elaine are all still here too, as are the majority of the teams who came here last night. It just means that we'll have to fly like the wind to complete the remaining six legs in time for the race finish at 5pm Friday! It will make for an exciting next two days...


  1. Hoping for tailwinds and high ceilings for you today.

  2. WEll sounds like mother nature is getting the best of all of you. At least it isn't just you guys and no one else. Hopefully weather will clear long enough to get out of there. Good luck and enjoy you updates. 96 here with 98% humidity

    Dave and Jim
